sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

Letter by three kings

INSTRUCTIONS : complete the letter as explained in class:

Dear three kings,
You must be back home by now, wherever your home is. And you must be having a well-deserved rest after so much work.
I hope these words don't get to disturb your pease and quiet of the moment and I do hope there's still some of your powerful magic left because your good-will I take for granted.
I got my presents and am happy about it, but please, please, use your magic to make my wisshes come true for the following:

1. For my family, please, bring  health, happiness, many and job.
2. For my country, Spain, please bring prospery economic and jobs.
3. For a special person very dear to me, please, bring, heath and happiness.
 Letter to Virginia

INSTRUCTIONS: Following the activity done in class, WRITE a letter to Virginia answering her dubts about the existence of the Three Kings.

Start like this: Dear Virginia, thanks for your letter. This is what I have to say:

Concerning your doubts about the three kings,
I have to say what the three kings exist, do not pay attention your friends,but many times they are make a mistake and make bad decisions and finish ill... ,continues to believe by the three kings and delight for crismas.