martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Pedro de Mena

 The teacher will assign a sculpture to every student. They are to find information about it and share it with their classmates when we do the walk.
Later, they are to make a little project containing the photos and the information gathered during the walk and upload it on their blogs for the teacher to see and value.
Estatua de Pedro de Mena

What's the statue called?
-Pedro de mena.

Who/What does it represent?
-Pedro de mena.

If a real person, give a brief biographical description.
-Granada, agosto de 1628 - Málaga, 13 de octubre de 1688), fue un escultor del barroco español. Realizaba esculturas de la religión catolica.

 Nació en Granada en agosto de 1628. 
Se forma en el taller de su padre el también escultor Alonso de Mena. En 1652, colabora con Alonso Cano a su regreso a Granada, aunque su estilo sereno y elegante no tuvo demasiada influencia en la obra de Mena. En 1658 gracias al prestigio alcanzado en su ciudad natal y la recomendación de Cano, le encargan la sillería de coro de la catedral de Málaga, compuesta por 40 tableros en los que talló gran variedad de tipos y composiciones. 
En 1662 se traslada a Madrid, donde realiza sus dos obras más conocidas, la María Magdalena de la Casa Profesa de los jesuitas en Madrid (Museo del Prado) y el San Francisco de la catedral de Toledo. Entre sus obras destacan: San Pedro de Alcántara (1663, Museo Nacional de Escultura), La Magdalena Penitente (1664), San Francisco, etc. 
 Pedro de Mena falleció en Málaga el 13 de octubre de 1688.

How are the people or events represented in the statue related to Málaga?
-le encargan la sillería de coro de la catedral de Málaga, compuesta por 40 tableros en los que talló gran variedad de tipos y composiciones. 

Who was the sculptor?
- Ha sido realizada por el artista malagueño Virgilio Galán Sánchez.
How valuable is the statue? 
- La obra tiene un peso de 650 kilos y representa a Pedro de Mena con las herramientas en la mano observando el boceto del futuro Cristo crucificado.
When was it made?
- 21 Septiembre del 2011.
What street is the statue at?
-El busto del escultor del siglo XVII Pedro de Mena, está junto a la que fuera su casa-taller, en la céntrica calle Afligidos de Málaga capital, y que alberga el Museo Revello de Toro.

Has the statue always been at the same place?

Are there any stories or anecdotes linked to this statue?

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Surrogates summary

In 2017 people are living their lives remotely from the safety of their homes through surrogate robots.
Substitutes are mechanical representations of themselves but ideal, younger, more attractive and physically perfect. The creator of the substitutes is Canter, is a genius, but finishing morally and ruined since the death of his son, who was killed while using a surrogate of his father, believing it was him and not her son.
The murderers were human against the surrogates not wanted in society, and Canter to see him out of control, use a surrogate for to be the boss of those who did not want to sustitutes. 
Tom Greer detective investigating the murder with his partner Jennifer Peters, he manages see and chase the murderer,but the murderer ends his surrogate and his boss ejects of the case. But in the end ignored his boss and end Canter wanted to send a virus to all surrogate, Tom avoided him, but he destroyed surrogates, because it did not look good for humanity.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

  The following questions expressing my opinion in as full as possible

The situation we are considering is the possibility that people stay at home but can interact with the world outside through a 'surrogate'

 1. How would people be affected by it?
- to all the world because they use most of the world's population.

 2. How would society, at large, be affected by it?
- serious misfortune, people would not be healthy, would be sick mentally and physically. People would not dare to leave their homes and would have trouble for communicating and communicating.

 3. Do you think real people and machines (surrogates) could be together at work, having fun, etc.?
-No, the surrogates are machines and machines would remove work to humans. And the surrogates they could put some chips softy emotions or emotions simulators.
  •  In the not too distant future could be created the surrogates.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

Francesca Johnson and Robert Kincaid
  Francesca Johnson and Robert Kincaid were involved in a very intense love affair that lasted 4 days in August 1965. The effects of their short relationship, however, stayed very much alive inside them for the rest of their lives. Robert Kincaid referred to their love as 'the kind of certainty that one only knows once in many lifetimes'.
Francesca could have gone away with Robert. She almost did but resisted her natural impulse thinking how much their children and husband would hurt. She put her family responsability before her once-in-a-lifetime love.
 Was she right to do so? COMMENT.
-In my opinion. I do not think that would have to be this relationship without tell,  they would have to Telling family first and then to do they wanted, If not are not nice.

sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015

My favourite spot in Málaga

Where is it?
What is it?

What can you see from it?

When do you go there?Who do you usually go with?

How do you feel when you are there?

 I am going to tell about one of my favourite places in Málaga, is the center and the port. In the center of Málaga you can find the Vialia, the corte inglés, and so on. If you walk you can find many places and plans.
In the port you can visit the shops and see the windows, walk, see the atmosphere of the port, drink a drunk, watching the sea and the boats... many things.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

Letter by three kings

INSTRUCTIONS : complete the letter as explained in class:

Dear three kings,
You must be back home by now, wherever your home is. And you must be having a well-deserved rest after so much work.
I hope these words don't get to disturb your pease and quiet of the moment and I do hope there's still some of your powerful magic left because your good-will I take for granted.
I got my presents and am happy about it, but please, please, use your magic to make my wisshes come true for the following:

1. For my family, please, bring  health, happiness, many and job.
2. For my country, Spain, please bring prospery economic and jobs.
3. For a special person very dear to me, please, bring, heath and happiness.
 Letter to Virginia

INSTRUCTIONS: Following the activity done in class, WRITE a letter to Virginia answering her dubts about the existence of the Three Kings.

Start like this: Dear Virginia, thanks for your letter. This is what I have to say:

Concerning your doubts about the three kings,
I have to say what the three kings exist, do not pay attention your friends,but many times they are make a mistake and make bad decisions and finish ill... ,continues to believe by the three kings and delight for crismas.